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Trust, Service, Value...This is Rose Financial
Rose Financial is a third-party administration (TPA) firm that specializes in but not limited to Plan design, Plan Implementation, document preparation, and day to day administration of standard and non-standard retirement plans. We administer plans across the United States from self-employed to firms with hundreds of employees.

Our Philosophy
Our Mission
The Rose Financial Group, LLC will prescribe the optimum qualifed plan design under the authority of applicable law, which most appropriately meets our client’s stated objective, and administer that plan according to a standard of service unmatched by our competition.
Our Background
In 1999, Al Rossetti (a 24 year veteran in the business) founded The Rose Financial Group, LLC as a spin off of a family business serving Indiana companies since the 1950s. His goal was straight forward, to bring the service standards found in traditional trust departments to the independent administrator (TPA) market.
Al began his career working in the Pension Trust Department of a major regional bank headquartered in Indianapolis in the late 1980s. In the 1990s, as Vice President and Product Manager he was put in charge of a national bank’s campaign headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio to reduce plan costs for customers by finding suitable investment products offered through the brokerage industry.
Over the next few years Al, as well as many others, contributed to the development of retirement plan products which could be offered to clients at costs significantly lower than those of traditional trust departments. And while these new products eventually surpassed the traditional versions in several categories, one problem remained.
The service level, as experienced by the customer, was never at a par with that of the old guard trust arrangements. This comes as a result of two main factors. First, the new arrangements place brokers and insurance agents in the role of relationship manager. These investment professionals often find themselves facing questions that they lack the legal and operational expertise to answer. The second factor is a lack of communication between the players (broker/TPA/custodian/recordkeeper, etc.)
Our Philosophy
Rose Financial was founded and is still committed today to solving these problems. We are not like most “third party” administrators. We work directly with you and serve as your liaison to the other parties involved with your plan. This is not to say that we limit your contact with these other parties, but we are happy to coordinate projects and activities that transcend more than one area at a time.
This coordination solves the cross communication problem described above. Furthermore, by keeping in touch with you and what you need, we prevent the broker/agent from getting those questions that are beyond their special areas of expertise.
This approach has worked for hundreds of our clients for many years. It has allowed our clients a flexibility to utilize various parties and plan features which they would not have been able to work with otherwise while maintaining the plan’s continuity.
In short, Rose Financial brings the proper expertise and in sight to help you meet the objectives you set for your company, your plan and your employees. We look forward to having the opportunity to do this for you as well.
Service is what separates qualified plan providers from qualified plan partners.
Today, most plan sponsors know that investments are not materially different from one product to another. Furthermore, the last several years have seen technological advancements that result in very little difference among the features retirement plan providers offer as well. While there are still pockets of pricing disparity (both higher than average and lower), that too is becoming increasingly rare. The only true difference is service.
We know that qualified plans are not your business. They require constant diligence to monitor a variety of complicated limitations and procedures imposed by State and Federal agencies. For many small and mid-sized employers, these requirements can often be a deterrent to offering such important employee benefits. We welcome the opportunity to take as many responsibilities associated with these plans as possible off of your shoulders.
We do not expect you to handle operational duties which we can handle for you. Our clients come to see us as their “back office” personnel dedicated to managing day to day plan activity in their best interests. We do not design processes around efficiencies beneficial to us. Nor do we allow the fund families or financial consultants involved with our plans to do so either.
We know it can be confusing when everyone says they provide quality service. This puzzles us too when we see examples of how they quantify it.
– A happy smile
– A friendly voice
– Returning phone calls within a reasonable amount of time
These certainly do no harm. In fact, they are all laudable elements of a good working relationship. But they are evidence of common courtesy, which itself is only one (albeit primary) aspect to outstanding service. We go beyond that to promote a commitment to responsibility, accountability, and empathy. Can you see these qualities in the service you receive today? Not sure? Ask yourself a few questions.
– Does your current administrator respect you, your interests, or your time?
– Are you provided with materials when requested, or an understanding of why you need them and a legitimate attempt to meet those needs?
– Do you receive reports, or communication on the health of your plan and how well it is meeting the objectives you set for it?
– Does your current administrator inform when you fail compliance testing, or when you might if you don’t take appropriately recommended action?
We are happy to share how our clients answer these questions. If you are interested, please call (317) 558-8000.

Contact Us
6602 E 75th St #200, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA
(317)-558-8000 Phone
(317)-558-0010 Fax